Performance Marketer

Part 2 | Category King of Lead Gen Arbitrage Explained: Five Steps of Lead Gen Arbitrage

Episode Summary

In this episode, I explain how arbitrage works for me with leads. I go through the five steps of lead gen arbitrage and give several examples you may find useful.

Episode Notes

Anyone in the mood to have a side gig where they can generate $900,000 a year?

No, I’m not kidding!

That’s the thing I do full time, all the time. 

I don’t want to talk you into leaving your job. I’m just speaking in real numbers. And I can show you how to do this and make serious money. As a side hustle, or maybe a full-time job, who knows...

What I do is lead gen arbitrage. It’s a huge opportunity because as long as there are companies in the world looking to scale their business and grow, they will need leads.

In this episode, I explain how arbitrage works for me with leads. I go through the five steps of lead gen arbitrage and give several examples you may find helpful.

You can also find out what “Yesterday” (2019 film about a musician waking up in an alternate timeline where The Beatles never existed) has to do with arbitrage and how my new Porsche became a huge arbitrage opportunity.

So tune in and get the golden nugget - knowledge you can use to build a successful business that I’m sharing for free!

Let’s dive right in!

Key Takeaways:

Additional Resources:

- Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge: View Now

- Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon): Join Here


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